How can a month possibly have flown by already? How is it possible that I am yet scrambling to meet another essay deadline? March has been great music-wise, having gotten to see Mum and Sondre Lerche in concert (and getting to meet Sondre twice, woohoo!) and work has been pretty decent. However, I do NOT appreciate being perpetually sick. What, do I have some sign on my forehead that invites all passing bugs and parasites to kindly use my body as some kind of illegal host?
First, I had a cold, then it turned into the worst wracking cough I've ever had, then now I'm back to the cold. So, naturally, this is the order of the next few diseases I will surely be getting: herpes, gangrene, Ethiopian flesh-eating bacteria. If anyone wants to pass on any exotic viruses to me, you know the number.
I desperately need a vacation. Yet I see ALL my money being sucked into the damn tuition fees for next semester. Even with the gahmen's generous 40% discount, I still have to fork out over $2000. So I will not be a happy crab for the rest of the year, unless I bring in illegal immigrants on the side to make extra cash.
Sondre's songs are still ringing in my head! John, let me gooooo....(In this case, John = random ball of flu bugs and viruses)