For the past week, it seems like the word of the day has been 'infidelity'. Now, I don't like to judge people and pretend to be some kind of moral compass or paragon of virtue. But one thing I absolutely cannot stand is infidelity. I've seen first-hand the damage it is capable of and how it tears relationships apart and destroys everything in a family or relationship.
Now, I am no stranger to temptation and I have to admit that I've been tempted before while in a relationship. However, I've never indulged in those temptations, because I had to think about how the other party would feel and how I would feel if I were cheated on. It's one of the worst things in the world and I think that it's something incredibly difficult to recover from and forgive.
There is absolutely no good reason to cheat on someone. If you're feeling neglected or unfulfilled regarding your current relationship, tell the bugger you're with and sort things out. If the relationship cannot be salvaged, break it off before you go off gallavanting with someone else. The main reason people don't break off their current relationship before cheating is because they want to have some kind of safety-net. In case things don't work out with Guy/Girl #2, they can always go back to Poor Sap #1.
Then again, there are relationships where both partners cheat on each other. These are the ones that baffle me the most. I'm not saying it is right because "it doesn't hurt anyone" as both parties have an 'understanding' but it's ripping value from the sanctity of marriage and the idea of being in love with one person and making sacrifices to be with that person.
At the end of the day, I guess I'm just disgusted with how some people are pissing all over the idea of being 'faithful' and thinking it is an option, not a must. Have our values degenerated to such a point where so many marriages end in divorce and the term 'MBA' (married but available) has become so commonplace that it's a joke?
Thankfully, there are still some people I know who scoff at infidelity, and there are some couples who give me some hope that not everyone can't keep their pants on. As Chris Rock famously said, "Every man is only as faithful as his options." That may be true on the surface, but at least I know of a couple of guys who would be glad to prove him wrong.