Friday, June 01, 2007

This is Our Last Goodbye

Last day of work with Ah Poh. You will be sorely missed! No more conversations and rants about cool music, movies, books and strangely-shaped sex toys. Sigh.

In other news, Aliah pointed me towards this excellent UK game show about music trivia, called 'Never Mind The Buzzcocks'. It's more funny than educational, although I suspect the likes of Andrew (the walking mine of trivia) would kick Daniel Bedingfield's ass. I was also pleasantly surprised to see Dom Joly (!!!!) there! Dom Joly, my hero of Trigger Happy TV fame!

Watching the show reminded me how much I love The Stone Roses. So here's a useless list of songs I can't seem to stop listening to, and which I would recommend anyone to poke at for fun.

- Interpol, 'The Heinrich Manouvre'
- The Stone Roses, 'Waterfall'
- The Coral, 'Dreaming Of You' and 'Waiting For The Heartaches'
- Captain Beefheart, 'My Human Gets Me Blues'
- Bjork, 'I See Who You Are' and 'Earth Invaders'
- The Arctic Monkeys, 'Do The Bad Thing' and 'This House Is A Circus'
- Aqualung, 'Pressure Suit'
- The Beta Band, 'Wonderful'
- Bauhaus, 'Bela Lugosi's Dead'
- Nouvelle Vague, 'Love Will Tear Us Apart'
- Lo-Fidelity Allstars, 'Battleflag'
- The Bravery, 'Believe'
- Mercury Rev, 'Tonite It Shows'
- Explosions In The Sky, 'The Only Moment We Were Alone'
- Feeder, 'Pain On Pain'
- Franz Ferdinand, 'What You Meant'

1 comment:

neko-chan said...

SO??? how did it go? how, now? tell leh. ok, i'm acting retarded. no, i am retarded.